GEII is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Although the institute contributes to and is closely involved with the multireligious and secular academy of religion, its work is inspired and organized by the Society of the Atonement, whose founder, Father Paul of Graymoor, believed it was a special calling that he and his Friars should work toward unity of the Church and all people. Through prayer, dialogue, and scholarship, the Friars of the Atonement promote exchange among people of all religious traditions to lead to better understanding, collaboration for the common good, and a just, sustainable peace.

The primary office of GEII is in the Interchurch Center in New York City, in the thriving, diverse neighborhood of Morningside Heights. We are neighbors not only of the many organizations housed in the Interchurch Center, but also of Riverside Church, Union Theological Seminary, Jewish Theological Seminary, Barnard College, and Columbia University. We are also based at the Society of the Atonement’s home of Graymoor, and occasionally host events or gatherings in the peaceful, splendid setting of the Hudson River Valley.

The words “ecumenical” and “ecumenism” are derived from the ancient Greek word for the whole inhabited world: oikoumenē. The terms are usually associated today with Christian efforts to bring about unity and solidarity among the whole community of Christians worldwide. But the Christian ecumenical movement has always been concerned, to a greater or lesser extent, with interreligious relations, which is an intrinsic part of the life of the church in the world. Therefore, ecumenical and interreligious affairs, though not identical, are intimately joined with one another. “Ecumenical” scholarship may be concerned with interpreting the efforts of specific religious communities to be more unified with one another in thought or life, or it may be concerned more generally with the dynamics of religious difference and common ground. GEII’s journal, Ecumenical Trends, features scholarship by authors from a wide range of institutions and religious affiliations, pertaining to the current state of ecumenical and interreligious affairs.

Yes! We encourage you to attend our events at the Interchurch Center, at Graymoor, and occasionally elsewhere. You can subscribe to our award-winning journal, Ecumenical Trends, follow & interact with us on Twitter (@geiinyc), participate in local observances of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and invite GEII staff to speak with your community about ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. If you or your organization is interested in collaborating with GEII on events of ecumenical or interreligious significance, please contact Dr. Aaron Hollander, GEII Associate Director.


Yes! Online access to Ecumenical Trends is available for all subscribers, and a digital-only subscription is available at a reduced rate. A sample issue of Ecumenical Trends, updated regularly, is available to all.

Issues can be claimed by emailing ecutrends@geii.org.  Please reference your account number.

Yes. If an issue is still available we will mail it to you for $6.00 per issue (postage is included). Please contact the staff at ecutrends@geii.org to request a single issue or place a bulk order.


The suggested dates for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are January 18 – 25.

Our online Order Form is active when WPCU materials are available for purchase. From there you may also print an order form if you prefer to order by mail.

Yes, you can view Week of Prayer Materials on our website. The materials will be posted online when they become available. You can also purchase the Sample Kit for $8.00 that has the five items we have available for purchasing the daily scripture & prayer guide; ecumenical celebration of the word of God; prayer card; poster and blank worship bulletin cover.