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“Dissent, Power, and Christian Identity after Nicaea”: The 16th Ecclesiological Investigations International Conference

“Dissent, Power, and Christian Identity after Nicaea”: The 16th Ecclesiological Investigations International Conference

September 17 @ 8:00 am - September 20 @ 5:00 pm
Image of Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki, Greece

The First Council of Nicaea, convened in 325 AD by the Emperor Constantine I, inaugurated an enduring paradigm not only in ecclesial administration but also in church identity. The Council’s processes and conclusions remain broadly normative with regard to church polity and the limits of Christian diversity.

Given that Nicaea took place at a time of remarkable religious pluralism and diversity and was convened in response to the disputes over “what is the Church” within that context, that early ecclesial reality shares an important resonance with our current historical moment.

The purpose of the conference, co-sponsored by Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute, is to pose the questions: In what ways does Nicaea continue to shape how we configure the Church today, with what opportunities and at what cost?

For full details on the conference, including keynote speakers, call for papers, Graymoor Scholarships, registration, travel, and accommodations, visit: https://thessaloniki2025.ei-research.net


Paul Wattson Lecture Series

Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches

National Council of Churches’ Regional and Local Ecumenical Networks

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops-National Council of Synagogues

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

North American Academy of Ecumenists

American Academy of Religion

Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network

Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations.

Summer Course on Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue from a Roman Catholic Perspective at the Centro Pro Unione in Rome

Periodically, GEII hosts lectures, workshops, dialogues, and other one-off events at the Interchurch Center (New York, NY) and at the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center (Garrison, NY). GEII also collaborates with other organizations in the New York area to realize events aligned with the Institute’s mission.

Interested in collaborating with GEII on a program or co-sponsorship?


Whether you want to know more about an event or want to request a speaker, please reach out to us!