Thessaloniki, Greece
The First Council of Nicaea, convened in 325 AD by the Emperor Constantine I, inaugurated an enduring paradigm not only in ecclesial administration but also in church identity. The Council’s processes and conclusions remain broadly normative with regard to church polity and the limits of Christian diversity.
Given that Nicaea took place at a time of remarkable religious pluralism and diversity and was convened in response to the disputes over “what is the Church” within that context, that early ecclesial reality shares an important resonance with our current historical moment.
The purpose of the conference, co-sponsored by Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute, is to pose the questions: In what ways does Nicaea continue to shape how we configure the Church today, with what opportunities and at what cost?
For full details on the conference, including keynote speakers, call for papers, Graymoor Scholarships, registration, travel, and accommodations, visit: