Home > Week of Prayer for Christian Unity > Background: Policy on Language & Music

JANUARY 18–25, 2015

BACKGROUND: Policy on Language & Music

2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Policy on Language

The translation of the Bible used in the worship is the New Revised Standard Version. The NRSV acclaims an accuracy in translation of the ancient texts, that is as literal as possible and as free as necessary in making the meaning clear in graceful, understandable English. The form of inclusive language in the NRSV is horizontal. That is, since much of the sex-specific language in English Bibles does not reflect gender-specific intent in the original biblical languages, the NRSV removes all masculine language referring to human beings apart from texts clearly referring to men. The NRSV does not use vertical inclusive language. That is, it does not change the language about God or Jesus. It refers to God as “king” and to Jesus as “Son”, and it refers to God as “he”, when the original texts do so. Horizontal inclusive language is used in the Daily Scripture & Prayer Guide and the Ecumenical Celebration of the Word. For the materials in Spanish, the translations used for the biblical text are Biblia de Jerusalén 1999, Desclée De Brouwer Bilbao.

Policy on Music

Since permission to reprint texts, tunes and arrangements of musical pieces must be requested and paid for individually, music selections for the observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity include information on the publication of the pieces rather than the actual printing of their scores.